Libra Group

Our Program Partners


The American College of Greece



Founded in 1875, The American College of Greece ( offers a distinctive academic ethos rooted in American higher education best practices serving a community of 4,000 students from 55 countries. The College is committed to extending educational opportunities to qualified students of diverse backgrounds. ACG faculty, dedicated to teaching, scholarship and service, cultivates a rich intellectual campus environment, serves numerous external constituencies and contributes to their professional disciplines.

Through undergraduate and graduate curricula in the liberal arts and sciences, business and selected professions, as well as through its co-curricular programs, the College enables students to define and pursue their educational and professional goals, develop as critical and creative thinkers and socially aware individuals and prepare for lives of reflection as well as responsible civic engagement in a complex, global world.


The Greek America Foundation

The Greek America Foundation ( is one of the most progressive and active organizations serving Greek America and Greek culture and heritage in the nation as a non-profit organization with a mission to “promote, preserve and perpetuate the Greek culture, history and heritage in America,” and is supported by thousands.

With a series of publications, programs, concerts, special events and institutional endeavours, the foundation seeks to bring elements of Greek culture, history and heritage—also known as Hellenism—to the forefront of mainstream America. This is mainly though the bimonthly Greek America Magazine, the nation’s most widely circulated periodical for followers of all things Greek.